Ruby: Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas

07 Jun 2020 | categories: blog

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You can’t talk about ruby without covering blocks, when you start out you are introduced to them from the get-go. Procs and lambdas, however, aren’t mentioned when you’re starting to learn ruby which is understandable because you can get away with writing ruby without ever really knowing what they are.

I am here to throw a ton of information about blocks, procs, and lambdas at you as well as a generous helping of code examples, let’s see what sticks.


Let’s start off with blocks. A block in ruby is a section of code you can pass to a method to be called later, a block can be written in two different ways. The multi-line do end version:

3.times do
  puts "hello"

Or the nicely succinct single line {} version:

3.times { puts "hello" }

A block can of course take arguments.

3.times do |num|
  puts "hello #{num}"

3.times {|num| puts "hello #{num}" }

There isn’t much to them, you pass them to methods and depending on how the method was defined the block can be called once, multiple times, or not at all.


If you are writing your own method and want to accept a block you can use the & symbol on the last parameter and your block will be stored in this variable. You can then call the block with the :call method.

def do_thing(&my_block) "hello"

do_thing {|var| var}
# => "hello"

These methods can, of course, accept other arguments along side a block.

def do_thing(name, &my_block) "hello #{name}"

do_thing("skip") {|var| var}
# => "hello skip"

Notice that I had to include parentheses when calling :do_thing, leaving them out is a syntax error. If a multi-line do end block is used instead you can leave off the parentheses.

do_thing "skip" do |var|
# => "hello skip"


The code above assumes there is always going to be a block provided when the method is called, not passing a block would result in a NoMethodError because my_block would be nil. You can check if there was a block provided by using the :block_given? method.

def check_block_given(&my_block)
  return if block_given?
  "no block given"

check_block_given { "block given" }
# => "block given"
# => "no block given"

alternatives to :call

It wouldn’t be ruby if there weren’t multiple different ways to achieve the same thing, so naturally there are a few ways you can call a block. One funky alternative is the .() syntax

def call_block(&my_block)
  my_block.("oh hi")

call_block {|var| var}
# => "oh hi"

Instead of storing the block in a variable to call manually there is also the yield keyword that will call a block that was provided when the method is called. A block saved in a variable is called an explicit block whereas a block called with yield is known as an implicit block. As with the other examples you can pass arguments to yield which are then passed on to the block.

def yield_block

yield_block { "hello" }
# => "hello"

def yield_block
  yield 100

yield_block {|num| "number #{num}" }
# => "number 100"

You can call yield as many times as you like but calling yield when no block has been provided results in a LocalJumpError.


I mentioned that blocks are sections of code you can pass to a method, that means you cannot do something like this:

my_block = { "hello" }

Doing so will result in a SyntaxError and we don’t like those. What you need in your life is a Proc. A proc is an object representation of a block of code, and seeing as it’s an object you can pass them around your code freely.

There are a few ways to create a proc:

my_proc = { "hello" }
my_proc = proc { "hello" }

There is one more way you can create a proc, and this way sheds a little more light on what happens to a block when you pass it to a method.

def create_a_proc(&block)

my_proc = create_a_proc { "hello" }
# => Proc

Those examples above result in exactly the same thing, we could then call the proc using any of the methods I mentioned before, e.g. :call or .(). There is some other weirder syntax you can use, for completions sake here they are.

# => "hello"
# => "hello"

If you have a proc and you want to pass it to a method as a block you can use our old friend & to do just that.

def yield_block

my_proc = proc { "hello" }
yield_block &my_proc
# => "hello"

In other words can use & to either turn a block into a proc, or use it to turn a proc back into a block.

You don’t need to always turn a proc into a block to feed it into a method, because procs are objects they can just be passed as simple arguments.

def call_args(*args)

p1 = proc {puts "hi"}
p2 = proc {puts "there"}
call_args p1, p2
# => "hi"
#    "there"

That example leads me nicely into the next section.

ampersand trickery

When writing code there comes a time when you want to iterate over a collection of items and call a method on each of them, the most obvious way of doing this is with a method like :map if it’s an array.

arr = ["hi", "there"] {|word| word.upcase}
# => ["HI", "THERE"]

There is a much more compact syntax that you can use which involves the ampersand and ruby symbols. I’ll demonstrate by re-writing the previous code
# => ["HI", "THERE"]

&:upcase is just a fancy way of calling :to_proc on the symbol, so &:upcase is similar to :upcase.to_proc. It’s worth noting that the ampersand syntax only works in relation to a method call, and you cannot use :to_proc with a method call. To put it simply:

Here is a recreation of what’s happening under the hood when using & with a symbol to really take the magic out of the syntax.

class Symbol
  def to_proc {|arg| arg.send(self)}

other classes

Symbol isn’t the only class in ruby that has a :to_proc method defined, for example Hash has a :to_proc method defined and it can be used to quickly look up multiple keys.

fav_foods = {
  skip:  "burrito",
  tom:   "milk",
  jerry: "cheese"

names = [:skip, :jerry]
# => ["burrito", "cheese"]

This means you can define your own :to_proc method in your classes and use it until the cows come home.

class Person
  attr_reader :name

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def self.to_proc {|p| }

people = {|num|"person #{num}")}
# => [#<Person:0x0000561520c28130 @name="person 0">,
#     #<Person:0x0000561520c280b8 @name="person 1">,
#     #<Person:0x0000561520c28040 @name="person 2">]
# => ["person 0", "person 1", "person 2"]

I could’ve simply written instead but this way you can see how it all fits together.


We’ve covered blocks, we’ve covered procs, so what the hell is a lambda? Would you be surprised if I told you a lambda is just a proc? There is a method called :lambda? defined in Proc which you can use to see if a proc is a real proc or a lambda.

my_proc = proc { "hi" }
# => false

I’ll get into what exactly a lambda is in just a moment, here are the two ways you can create a lambda:

my_lambda = lambda { "hello" }
my_lambda = -> { "hello" }

If you want to be able to pass arguments to your lambdas you can do so.

my_lambda = lambda {|name| "hello #{name}"}
my_lambda = -> (name) { "hello #{name}" }

You can call a lambda with any of the various ways I mentioned before when talking about procs, after all a lambda is just a special proc.

lambda or proc?

There are two main differences between a proc and a lambda and those are:


To put it simply, a proc doesn’t care about the number of arguments you pass it. You can pass too many, just the right amount, or too few. As long as you aren’t doing something in your proc that requires these missing arguments, for example calling a method on the argument, then everything will run smoothly.

my_proc = proc {|arg1, arg2, arg3| "hello"}
# => "hello"

A lambda on the other hand gets incredibly pissy when you don’t provide exactly what it expects when it comes to the number of arguments. In that respect it’s much closer to a method than a proc is.

my_lambda = lambda {|arg1, arg2, arg3| "hello"}
# => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 3)
#    from (pry):97:in 'block in __pry__' 1,2,3,4
# => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 3)
#    from (pry):97:in 'block in __pry__' 1,2,3
# => "hello"


The other way that lambdas and procs differ is how they act when you call return. A proc will try to return from the calling context whereas a lambda will only return from the code block that you defined. As always a short example will help demonstrate what I mean.

my_lambda = lambda { return }
my_proc = proc { return }
# => nil
# => LocalJumpError: unexpected return
#    from (pry):101:in 'block in __pry__'

I’m getting a LocalJumpError here because we called the proc from the top-level context and the proc is trying to return from main which is a no-no. If we instead define and call the lambda and proc inside methods you can see how they work without proc causing a LocalJumpError.

def call_lambda
  my_lambda = lambda { return "from lambda" }
  "end of method"

def call_proc
  my_proc = proc { return "from proc" }
  "end of method"

# => "end of method"
# => "from proc"


One last thing before I finish up: blocks, procs, and lambdas in ruby capture their surrounding context when you define them, so that means they can carry local variables along for the ride and reference them later.

def yield_block
  count = 100

count = 1
my_proc = proc { puts count }
my_lambda = -> { puts count }

yield_block &my_proc
# => 1
yield_block &lambda
# => 1
yield_block { puts count }
# => 1


Blocks, procs, and lambdas are incredibly similar things yet different in some big ways. You can get away with writing ruby without ever really knowing what a proc or a lambda is but I guarantee there will come a time when a proc or a lambda can really help simplify your code.

Here are the important high-level points you should take away from this post:

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