Ruby Modules

26 Sep 2020 | categories: blog

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Modules are everywhere in Ruby, they are an important part of the Ruby Object Model but if you only interact with Ruby here and there (perhaps you have a ruby app you support in work) they can be a little illusive.

You can include, extend, and prepend modules, but what does that actually mean? How does a module differ from a class? What tricks can you do with them?

I hope to layout the usefulness of modules as well as showing you how Ruby and Rails uses module callbacks to do some pretty clever stuff. Let’s get stuck in.

class or module?

Right off the bat let’s just go over the difference between a class and a module in Ruby, after all both can contain methods and constants so what’s the difference?

In short a class…

And a module…

Pretty simple, keep those points in mind as we move on here, let me explain the two main uses for modules.

dual duty

Modules serve two purposes in Ruby:


Say we have a file human.rb which has a function called hello:

# human.rb
def hello
  "hello from human"

And we also have another file person.rb which also has a function called hello:

# person.rb
def hello
  "hello from person"

Say there’s other functionality in these files we want to use in a ruby script we are writing, so we require these files:

# skip.rb
require_relative 'person'
require_relative 'human'

# code ...
puts hello
# more code ...

Well when we run the code in skip.rb the code in person.rb is loaded and hello is defined but then the human.rb file is loaded and its hello method definition overwrites the previous definition:

$ ruby skip.rb
"hello from human"

Modules to the rescue! Modules let you namespace methods and constants to prevent these sorts of clashes.

The syntax for defining a module is:

module Example
  # constants
  EXAMPLE = true

  # methods
  def Example.example_method
    puts "A module method"
  # or
  def example_method
    puts "A module method"

A module name, just like a class name, starts with an uppercase letter, in this case I’ve went with the original name of Example. Constants are defined in a module exactly the same way as you would define them in a class, all uppercase.

Methods can be defined on the module itself, much like a class method, by using the syntax def <module-name>.method_name however you can also use def self.method_name as self refers to the module, for more information on how singleton methods work check out my previous blog post on the Ruby Object Model.

The second way of defining a method in a module uses the syntax def method_name, this is what’s known as an instance method. I know I said modules can’t create instances but I’ll explain why this is handy when I get to mixins.

Let’s update the code we were using before and make them into modules, while we are at it let’s also add some constants so we see how they work.

# human.rb
module Human
  FOO = true

  def Human.hello
    "hello from human"

# person.rb
module Person
  BAR = false

  def Person.hello
    "hello from person"

# skip.rb
require_relative 'person'
require_relative 'human'

puts Person.hello
puts Human.hello
puts Human::FOO
puts Person::BAR

Now we have a way to call the specific function we are after and because they are namespaced none of them are over written when we require the files. We can call the methods just like class methods by using the module name and we can reference constants using the module name and two colons.

$ ruby skip.rb
hello from person
hello from human

Being able to use modules as libraries is great, you could create a Math module to hold all your mathematical functions for example but modules are incredibly powerful things when you start mixing them into objects to extend their functionality.


Modules are great for code reuse, because Ruby doesn’t support multiple class inheritance you can define common functionality in a module and include that functionality in your classes instead. You do this by defining instance methods in your modules, if you’ve got some constants defined then they also come along for the ride.


Let’s create a small module with a constant and an instance method that says hello.

module Hello
  FOO = "bar"

  def say_hello

If you include this module in a class then instances of that class will then have access to the FOO constant and the say_hello method.

class Skip
  include Hello
# => "Hello!"
# => "bar"

It’s worth noting that when you include a module it doesn’t add methods to the class, a reference to the module is just added to the ancestors chain just after the class. During method look up each of these classes/modules are checked for the method definition of whatever method has been called, in this instance say_hello isn’t found in the Skip class but it is found in the Hello module right after Skip.

# => [Skip, Hello, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

That means if we already have a method called say_hello in our Skip class then including Hello won’t overwrite it.

class Skip
  include Hello

  def say_hello
    "Ahoy hoy!"
# => "Ahoy hoy!"


What if we do want to override methods when we include a module? Well given what we know about the ancestor chain it makes sense that we should try put the module before our class so the module is checked first during method look up.

Ruby gives us prepend to do exactly that.

module Goodbye
  def say_goodbye

class Skip
  prepend Goodbye

  def say_goodbye
    "See you later!"

# => [Goodbye, Skip, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

So now if we call say_goodbye on an instance of Skip the Goodbye module will be checked first for a method definition:
# => "Goodbye!"


Okay, so up until now we’ve been mixing functionality into class definitions, what if we only want to add functionality to a particular object? To do this we need to extend an object, first let’s start with instances of a class then I’ll come back round to what happens when you extend a class itself.


Let’s create a module for this example with a method that let’s an object tell us its object ID.

module ObjectID
  def my_object_id
    "My object ID is #{self.object_id}"

And this time we can call extend on a particular object instead of messing with its class:

class Skip

s1 =
# => "My object ID is 47289906505580"

Now only this particular Skip object has access to the my_object_id method, if we try call it on another instance then we get a NoMethodError.

s2 =
# => Traceback (most recent call last):
#            2: from /home/skip/.rbenv/versions/2.5.6/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
#            1: from (irb):13
#    NoMethodError (undefined method `my_object_id' for #<Skip:0x00005605142290d8>)

If we check Skip’s ancestor chain we aren’t going to find the ObjectID module anywhere, it’s nowhere to be seen. This makes sense though, we are playing with individual objects and not the class itself when we call extend on an instance of a class.

# => [Skip, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

When you call extend on an object ruby includes the module in the singleton class of the object (if you don’t know what the singleton class is then go read my Ruby Object Model post). This means that only that particular object will have been affected.

We can achieve the same result with include if we use it on an object’s singleton class:

s3 =
s3.singleton_class.include ObjectID
# => "My object ID is 47289907200220"


What happens then if we extend a class? Well, exactly the same thing happens. The module’s instance methods and constants are added to the singleton class of the object.

class Skip
  extend ObjectID

# => "My object ID is 47289906584860"

Hold up, that looks like a class method!

Exactly right! That’s all a class method is, it’s a method defined on the object itself, in other words it’s defined on the singleton class of the object. It just so happens our object here is a class. So by using extend you can add class methods to a class from a module.

Knowing what we do now if we wanted to use a module to add class methods AND instance methods we can use a mixture of include, prepend, and extend.

module Shout
  def shout

class Skip
  include Shout
  extend Shout
# => "OI!"
# => "OI!"


include, prepend, and extend are really handy and Module has (among other things) callback methods that it invokes when you do either of those actions which you can use to do interesting things when you include, prepend, or extend a module. The methods that follow are usually empty and only exist for you, the person writing code, to define and make use of in your code.

There is a method called included which is called when the module is included in another module or class, the class or module that has included the module is passed into this method as an argument.

module A
  def self.included(base)
    puts "I was included in #{}"

module B; end
# => I was included in B

There is also a callback called prepended which is called (can you guess?) when a module is prepended (shock!).

module C
  def self.prepended(base)
    puts "I was prepended to #{}"

class D;end
# => I was prepended to D

And yes, there is also a callback called extended that you can define.

module E
  def self.extended(base)
    puts "I extended #{}"

module F;end
# => I extended F

a useful example

You can use these callbacks to your advantage, one way they are typically used is to extend a class when the module is included, which means you can add instance methods and class methods in one go.

module A
  def self.included(base)
    base.extend ClassMethods

  def a_method
    "I'm an instance method"

  module ClassMethods
    def another_method
      "I'm a class method"

class Skip
  include A
# => "I'm an instance method"
# => "I'm a class method"

This is a very common and useful paradigm, it was used extensively in earlier versions of Ruby on Rails, you can see it here in ActiveRecord::Validations. It is not without its problems though, this problem becomes apparent when you have multiple levels of inclusion.

chained inclusion

To demonstrate this problem I’m going to need a couple of modules.

module SecondLevel
  def self.included(base)
    base.extend ClassMethods

  def second_level_instance_method; "hi"; end

  module ClassMethods
    def second_level_class_method; "hi"; end

module FirstLevel
  def self.included(base)
    base.extend ClassMethods

  def first_level_instance_method; "hi"; end

  module ClassMethods
    def first_level_class_method; "hi"; end

  include SecondLevel

Here we have two modules and each defines an instance method and a class method, each modules use the “include and extend” trick I explained earlier, but this time FirstLevel includes the other module SecondLevel at the end.

Let’s try the code out by including FirstLevel in a class.

class Skip
  include FirstLevel

# => [Skip, FirstLevel, SecondLevel, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
s =
# => "hi"
# => "hi"

All is well, the modules are in Skip’s ancestor chain so the instance methods are found. What about the class methods?

# => "hi"
# => Traceback (most recent call last):
#         2: from /home/skip/.rbenv/versions/2.5.6/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
#         1: from (irb):34
#    NoMethodError (undefined method `second_level_class_method' for Skip:Class)

What’s happened here? If you follow the code you should see what has happened. When SecondLevel is included in FirstLevel it is FirstLevel that is passed to the included callback, which makes second_level_class_method a module method of FirstClass which isn’t what we wanted.

# => "hi"

Ruby on Rails developers ended up coming up with a solution to this problem by creating ActiveSupport::Concern.


Here is ActiveSupport::Concern in action.

module A
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  def a_instance_method; "hi"; end

  module ClassMethods
    def a_class_method; "hi"; end

module B
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  def b_instance_method; "hi"; end

  module ClassMethods
    def b_class_method; "hi"; end

  include A # <- including another module

class Skip
  include B

# => "hi"
# => "hi"

All we need to do is extend our modules with ActiveSupport::Concern and it takes care of adding our ClassMethods as well as sorting out the problem of where they are added, no need to mess around with callbacks.

Skip includes B which includes A and Skip then has both class methods. How does it work then?


In the Rails source code for ActiveSupport::Concern we can see they have defined an extended method in the module:

# activesupport/lib/active_support/concern.rb

module ActiveSupport
  module Concern
    def self.extended(base)
      base.instance_variable_set(:@_dependencies, [])

All it does is set a class variable called @_dependencies on whatever object it’s extending, grand so what is that for? To understand its use we need to look at a couple of other methods that ActiveSupport::Concern defines but to understand those however we need to first look at Ruby’s standard library.


In the section on callbacks I mentioned the included, prepended and extended callback methods are usually empty and need to be filled in by you in order to do anything useful. Behind the scenes Ruby uses append_features to actually include the module in the ancestor chain, it checks if the module already exists or not before adding it. append_features isn’t supposed to be overwritten but like every other method in Ruby we can go right ahead and mess with it anyway.

module A
  def self.append_features(base)

class Skip
  include A

# => [Skip, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

Notice how module A is missing from the ancestors chain? By returning false in append_features we are telling Ruby not to include this module in the ancestors chain. Knowing this we can switch back to talking about what ActiveSupport::Concern does.

# activesupport/lib/active_support/concern.rb
module ActiveSupport
  module Concern
    def append_features(base)
      if base.instance_variable_defined?(:@_dependencies)
        base.instance_variable_get(:@_dependencies) << self
        return false if base < self
        @_dependencies.each { |dep| base.include(dep) }
        base.extend const_get(:ClassMethods) if const_defined?(:ClassMethods)
        # ...

    # ...

This is some pretty intense code but that’s alright we can work through it together. The basic premise of this code is to never include a concern within another concern and when a concern is finally included in a module or class that isn’t a concern all of the dependencies are included in one go. Let’s walk through it.

Here is the code from before for reference, I’ll remove the instance methods so we can focus on the class methods.

module A
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  module ClassMethods
    def a_class_method; "hi"; end

module B
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  module ClassMethods
    def b_class_method; "hi"; end

  include A # <- including another concern

class Skip
  include B

First off append_features is defined as an instance method in ActiveSupport::Concern so if a module extends ActiveSupport::Concern it’ll get append_features as a class method (remember, singleton class!).

When module B includes module A append_features will be called on A and B will be passed in as the base argument.

def append_features(base)
  if base.instance_variable_defined?(:@_dependencies)
    base.instance_variable_get(:@_dependencies) << self
    # ...

The code checks if @_dependencies is defined on B and if it is then it must be a Concern so just add self to the array of dependencies, remember self at this point refers to module A. Then return false so the ancestor chain isn’t altered.

Right now B’s class variable would look like this:

# => [A]

When Skip includes the module B append_features is called on B and Skip is passed to the method as the base argument.

def append_features(base)
  if base.instance_variable_defined?(:@_dependencies)
    # ...
    # ...

Skip doesn’t have a @_dependencies class variable defined so we move to the else block.

def append_features(base)
  # ...
    return false if base < self
    @_dependencies.each { |dep| base.include(dep) }
    base.extend const_get(:ClassMethods) if const_defined?(:ClassMethods)
    # ...

The first line uses the < method to check if base (which in this case is Skip) is a subclass of self (B), which it isn’t. Onto the next line:

@_dependencies.each { |dep| base.include(dep) }

This next line iterates over B’s class variable @_dependencies and includes everything on base AKA Skip. There’s only one thing in this array right now and that’s A, so dep gets sets to A and is then included on Skip, at this point we need to shift focus back to the A module.

Because A is being included on Skip that means append_features is called on A by Ruby and Skip is passed in as base, so the if statement is checked again.

if base.instance_variable_defined?(:@_dependencies)

And Skip doesn’t have this class variable set so we continue on to the else statement of append_features.

return false if base < self
@_dependencies.each { |dep| base.include(dep) }
base.extend const_get(:ClassMethods) if const_defined?(:ClassMethods)

Is Skip a subclass of A? Nope, onto the next line.

Iterate over all the dependencies, but A doesn’t have any dependencies so we continue onto the next line which just calls super. Ruby will then look up the call chain looking for the original append_features which will include A in Skip’s ancestor chain.

And the last line on A’s journey here will just extend Skip with any ClassMethods if there is a submodule defined in A with that name.

A’s journey ends there but remember we were in the middle of including B, so let’s head back to B.append_features, I believe we were in the middle of including all of our dependencies:

def append_features(base)
  # ...
    return false if base < self
    @_dependencies.each { |dep| base.include(dep) }  # <- Here!
    base.extend const_get(:ClassMethods) if const_defined?(:ClassMethods)
    # ...

Then just like what happened with A super is called which adds B to Skip’s ancestor chain and any ClassMethods are added to Skip.

And that’s it!

what about instance variables?

I’m pretty much done with modules now but there’s one more thing I should add. In ruby whenever the first instance of an @ prefixed instance variable is encountered an instance variable is created on the implicit self, which means we can add these to our modules if we so wished. Along with that we could add attr_* methods too.

module Legs
  attr_reader :num_legs


  def grow_legs
    @num_legs = 2

class Skip
  include Legs

  def initialize
    puts "Oh wow, I have #{num_legs} legs"
# => Oh wow, I have 2 legs

You need to be careful with this though because if you include another module which sets an instance variable of the same name it’ll overwrite the previous one, much like the trouble we had at the start of this post with methods overwriting one another when we required the files. Be careful with this.

Cool, now what?

That’s completely up to you, I would advise reading the post I wrote on the Enumerable module which shows a really useful module available to you in standard ruby.

Other than that go and play! Write some code, break shit, read source code and see how others are making use of modules. They are really handy things.

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